MySuper Product Dashboard

The MySuper Product Dashboard sets out important information about our MySuper Lifecycle Investment Strategy (LIS), which forms part of our MySuper product. Use this dashboard to help compare our MySuper product with other MySuper products.

If you join Mine Super and don’t choose which investment option/s to invest your super in, it will be automatically invested in our MySuper Lifecycle Investment Strategy. The strategy works by giving you greater exposure to growth assets such as shares in the early stages of your working life, and then reducing this as you get older by increasing your exposure to defensive assets such as fixed income and enhanced cash. This exposes you to greater risk when you are young and then aims to reduce volatile investment returns as you get older. The Lifecycle Investment Strategy is separated by three lifestages and invests the balance of your super into one of our three pre-mixed investment options depending on your age:

  • Under age 50 - High Growth
  • Aged 50 to 54 - Growth
  • Aged 55 and above - Balanced

To view the information most relevant to you, go to the lifestage that’s applicable to your age in the dashboard below.

What performance information does the MySuper Product Dashboard show? 

The MySuper Product Dashboard shows the investment performance that a member would have experienced if they had fully invested in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy (LIS) in each financial year.

The investment performance for the Under age 50 lifestage shows the investment performance of the High Growth (previously Aggressive) pre-mixed investment option. Due to changes in our LIS, this investment option historically applied to different lifestages with slightly different age groups: ages 50 and under - between 25 March 2021 and 19 May 2024; and ages 0 to 44 - before 25 March 2021. 

The MySuper Product Dashboard does not show 10 years of data for the current lifestages of members aged 50 to 54, and aged 55 and above. As these lifestages commenced on 20 May 2024 (and there is no equivalent predecessor lifestage), the investment performance shown in the MySuper Product Dashboard for these lifestages commences on 1 July 2024.

Previous changes to our Lifecycle Investment Strategy

We updated our Lifecycle Investment Strategy (LIS) on 20 May 2024 and 25 March 2021. 

On 20 May 2024, we simplified our LIS from 16 lifestages down to three. These changes resulted in members over 60 having a greater exposure to growth assets in comparison to the previous LIS. 

Between 25 March 2021 and 19 May 2024, our LIS had 16 lifestages with members between the ages of 50 to 65 gradually moving towards a more defensive asset allocation each year. Members aged 50 and under were 100% invested in the High Growth investment option. From ages 51 to 64, members were invested in a mix of the High Growth and Conservative Balanced investment options, with the percentage mix changing each year on their birthday. At age 65, members were 100% invested in the Conservative Balanced investment option. The Conservative Balanced investment option was discontinued on 20 May 2024. 

Lifecycle Investment Strategy
Prior to 25 March 2021, our LIS invested a member’s super in one of our four pre-mixed investment options, with their balance moving to a new investment option at ages 45, 55 and 65 as shown in the table below.

Lifecyle Investment Strategy (pre-25 March 2021)
 Pre-mixed investment option 
LifestageAggressive*GrowthBalanced*StableTotal growth assets
Age 0-44100%0%0%0%96%
Age 45-540%100%0%0%84%
Age 55-640%0%100%0%59%
Age 65 and over0%0%0%100%39%


 * These investment options were renamed High Growth (previously Aggressive) and Conservative Balanced (previously Balanced) on 25 March 2021.


Further information about the changes made in these updates can be found in the Significant Event Notices for April 2024 and February 2021.

Investment returns for previous lifestages

Our Lifestyle Investment Strategy investment returns for the 16 lifestages which existed between 25 March 2021 and 19 May 2024 are available in the table below, with returns  from 1 July 2023 to 19 May 2024 available here

 Returns to 30 June:
Lifestage 202320222021
Age 50 and under 15.06% -6.03% 26.20%
Age 51 14.56% -5.85% 25.32%
Age 52 14.14% -5.70% 24.56%
Age 53 13.64% -5.52% 23.68%
Age 54 13.15% -5.34% 22.79%
Age 55 12.72% -5.18% 22.03%
Age 56 12.23% -5.00% 21.15%
Age 57 11.73% -4.82% 20.26%
Age 58 11.30% -4.66% 19.51%
Age 59 10.81% -4.48% 18.62%
Age 60 10.31% -4.30% 17.74%
Age 61 9.89% -4.15% 16.98%
Age 62 9.39% -3.97% 16.09%
Age 63 8.90% -3.79% 15.21%
Age 64 8.47% -3.63% 14.45%
Age 65 and over 7.98% -3.45% 13.57%


Our Lifestyle Investment Strategy investment returns for the previous 4 lifestages which existed prior to 25 March 2021 are available in the table below.

 Returns to 30 June:
Lifestage 2021202020192018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Age 0-4426.20% -1.34% 7.08% 10.31% 10.82% 2.68% 9.83% 15.49% 16.26%
Age 45-5422.61% -1.00% 6.20% 9.08% 8.70% 3.11% 8.34% 13.11% 13.26%
Age 55-6413.57% -0.04% 4.51% 6.24% 6.92% 3.19% 6.93% 11.00% 10.84%
Age 65 and over7.31% -0.09% 3.85% 4.30% 5.19% 3.07% 5.49% 8.80% 8.04%

Investment returns are after tax, investment management and indirect administration fees but before the direct administration fee.

We’re here to help

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with Mine Super Financial Advice, please, call us on 13 64 63, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm or email


Past performance isn't necessarily an indication of future performance.