1. Introduction

Mine Super is made up of AUSCOAL Superannuation Pty Ltd (Trustee), Mine Superannuation Fund (Fund) and Mine Super Services Pty Ltd (collectively referred to as “we”, “our”, “us”).

We outsource our administration services to SS&C Administration Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (Administrator). The Administrator acts as agent of the Trustee with respect to certain obligations arising from this Privacy Policy, including (but not limited to), holding, collecting and disclosing personal information.

Protecting your personal information is important to us and is required by law. The Privacy Act requires us to abide by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs”). We have adopted this Privacy Policy to ensure we handle personal information about individuals responsibly and in accordance with the requirements of the APPs. This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time.

References to “members” in this policy includes non-members who may, for example, be browsing our website, applying to become a member or applying for a job with us.

More information about the way we manage personal information can be obtained by contacting the Mine Super Privacy Officer (see section 8 of this Policy).

2. Collecting and holding personal information

2.1 Types of information

We may collect the following kinds of personal information about members, beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries, claim participants, advice clients and other people who interact with us:

  • name;

  • address;

  • email address;

  • date of birth;

  • Tax Firle Number;

  • employment details (including salary information); and

  • the name of beneficiaries.

In some situations, we may need to collect sensitive information, such as health information or membership of a trade union or professional association.

2.2 How information is collected and held

Personal information is generally collected directly from you, however in some circumstances may be provided by a third party, such as an employer, agent, previous superannuation fund or other representative (as authorised by you).

We collect personal information from you in many ways including through forms and applications, telephone conversations, personal interaction, email and other correspondence.

We may receive salary information from you or from your employer which may be used for income protection insurance purposes. Salary information may also be used to assist in analysing and understanding membership demographics and for developing appropriate and/or targeted products and services for members.

We may collect health information to enable you to obtain insurance cover or to process an insurance claim. This may be collected from you directly or from a medical practitioner in accordance with your signed authority.

For employment candidates, we will collect personal information during the recruitment process, including (but not limited to) employment history. This information may be collected directly from you or from recruiters. Personal and sensitive information may be held and stored by us or our Administrator electronically within our secure electronic network, servers and cloud service providers. It is also held in hardcopy form, for example, in paper files.

Hardcopy files containing personal information are archived in a secure offsite archiving facility. Personal information contained in electronic form is secured by encryption and firewalls which are in line with Australian information security standards.

Access to your information by us and our Administrator is restricted to staff who require the information to administer your account and provide information and services to you. Various levels of access, systems and passwords are used to protect the information held on our systems and the systems of our Administrator.

2.3 Purposes of collecting and holding information

We collect personal information for the purposes of:

  • opening and administering superannuation and retirement accounts, including insurance entitlements;

  • providing financial advice and education;

  • managing and resolving complaints;

  • ensuring members are eligible for products and services (such as insurance);

  • undertaking market research and direct marketing activities;

  • running promotions and competitions; and

  • complying with relevant laws including reporting information required by law or regulations.

For employment candidates, the Group collect personal information for recruitment purposes, to manage an employment application and if successful, manage the ongoing employment arrangements with the individual.

If you do not provide all of the necessary personal information or, where relevant, do not allow your employer to do so, we may not be able to perform the functions listed above. For example if you submit incomplete or inaccurate information, we or our Administrator may not be able to accept contributions or provide products and services that best meet your needs.

2.4 Anonymity and pseudonymity

In certain circumstances, you may be able to deal with us without providing your personal information (either anonymously or by using a pseudonym). We will give you the option of remaining anonymous, unless your personal information is required by law, or it is not practicable to deal anonymously (or through a pseudonym).

Typically, if you are requesting general information, you may do so without providing your personal information. However, if you have specific account or insurance enquiries, you will need to provide your personal information so the service can be provided to you.

3. Use and disclosure of personal information

In undertaking our obligations to you, we may disclose your personal information to third parties as required by law or where appropriate and as reasonably expected by you. For example, we may disclose personal information:

  • with any third party on specific matters where consent to the disclosure has been provided;

  • to another superannuation fund where you seek to transfer to that fund;

  • with the Group’s insurance provider for the purpose of assessing or administering an insurance benefit;

  • to authorised financial advisers for the purposes of receiving financial advice; and/or

  • to the Group’s auditors and legal advisers.

Where personal information is disclosed, we will seek to ensure that the information is held, used or disclosed consistently with the APPs and other applicable privacy laws and codes.

The personal information collected may be used or disclosed by us for a secondary purpose related to the purposes described in section 2.3 of this Policy if you would reasonably expect us to use or disclose the information for this secondary purpose, or as otherwise permitted by the APPs.

In the event of a claim for an insurance benefit, we or the Administrator may provide personal information to our insurer to support assessment and administration of the insurance claim. Our insurer may also pass this information to claims investigators, medical practitioners and other organisations who the insurer outsources its functions (as set out in the relevant insurer’s privacy policy or statement).

3.1 Disclosure overseas

We may provide personal information to third party service providers who may be based in, or have severs located outside of Australia, such as the United States of America (USA). We (and some of our service providers) may also use cloud platforms which are based in overseas locations, including the USA, the European Union and Singapore. Any USA service provider we engage will be an adopter of the Privacy Shield Program.

We will only disclose personal information to third parties who may be based in or have servers overseas if we:

  • have obtained consent to disclose the information to that third party;

  • reasonably believe that the overseas recipient is subject to a law or binding scheme that is, overall, substantially similar to the APPs (and can be enforced); or

  • are required to disclose the personal information by order or an Australian court or tribunal.

If you would like any information on what we send overseas, the controls we have over the data and the protections that are in place, please call us on 13 64 63.

4. Privacy on the internet

4.1. Website

We take care to ensure that any personal information collected through the use of our website is protected.

4.2 Use of cookies

We may use cookies and other digital identifiers to improve our website’s functionality and to allow it to improve your interactive experience. When you visit the website, details about the visit, such as time and date, pages accessed, duration of visit and type of browser may be recorded. This information is collected for statistical purposes and to help provide relevant information to you. For instance, we may use cookies to learn more about the way you interact with our content and help us to improve your experience when visiting our website or having other contact with us. By using the website, you agree to our use of technology of this type. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can configure your preferences and options in your browser to reject cookies, however this may mean that parts of our website may not work as it should.

Personal information will not be recorded unless personal information is provided by the user through the completion of a web form.

4.3 Links and other sites

You may be able to access external websites by clicking on links provided on our website. Those other websites are not subject to our privacy standards, policies and procedures. Those websites may contain cookies and you should review the third party’s privacy policy on cookies and other privacy issues.

5. Direct marketing

One of the purposes for which we collect personal information is to inform you of products and services available to you as a member of the Fund.

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing material, you may opt out of receiving it. You may also request that we not facilitate direct marketing by a third party. Further, you may request that we notify you of where we obtained your information, which we will do unless it is impracticable or unreasonable to do so.

6. Access to personal information

You have a right to access your own personal information under the APPs, however your identity will need to be verified before access to your personal information is granted. Where costs are incurred for providing access to personal information, we may charge need to charge you for the associated costs.

We will respond to a request for access to personal information within a reasonable period after the request is made, by either providing you access or notifying you of our refusal to give access. In some circumstances, we may not allow access to personal information, such as where:

  • the information would reveal a confidential or commercially sensitive decision making process;

  • the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings;

  • where the privacy of others may be breached if the information was accessed; or

  • where the law requires or authorises such access to be denied.

The Privacy Officer will advise if any of these circumstances apply.

If the information held by us is inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date, you may request that we correct the information.

7. Resolution of privacy concerns

If you are concerned about a possible interference with privacy, a breach of this Privacy Policy, or a breach of the APPs, you should contact our Privacy Officer.

If you wish to make a complaint, please go to our Lodging a complaint page.

If your concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, the matter can be referred to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992 or oaic.gov.au

If your concerns relate to a superannuation or financial advice matter, the matter can be referred to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority on 1800 931 678 or afca.org.au

8. Contact our Privacy Officer:

Name: Privacy Officer

Street address: 168 Parry Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302

Postal address: PO Box 9, Newcastle NSW 2300

Telephone: 02 4948 3333 or 13 64 63

Facsimile: 02 4962 3469

Email: privacy@mine.com.au

9. Review of our Privacy Policy

We review this Privacy Policy every two years. We make the most recent version of the Privacy Policy available to you to read on our website. Alternatively, you may request a copy of the Privacy Policy by contacting us.