Super pre-mixed investment options

Strategic asset allocation effective 20 May 2024.
 High Growth1GrowthBalancedModerateIndexed DefensiveDefensiveSecure2
Australian shares34.0%29.0%24.0%18.0%16.0%11.0%10.0%
International shares45.0%36.0%32.0%22.0%24.0%14.0%0.0%
Fixed Income2.0%15.0%21.0%32.0%36.0%46.0%0.0%

Allowable ranges
High Growth1GrowthBalancedModerateIndexed DefensiveDefensiveSecure2
Australian shares19-49%14-44%9-39%3-33%1-31%0-26%n/a
International shares30-60%21-51%17-47%7-37%0-30%0-24%n/a
Fixed Income0-17%0-30%6-36%17-47%21-51%31-61%n/a


1 This investment option was renamed High Growth (previously Aggressive) on 25 March 2021.

2 Secure (previously Stable) was renamed on 24 March 2022.

What do we invest in?

Your super can be invested in a range of investment options that are made up of asset classes which are the building blocks of any investment. 

You can find a detailed summary of exactly what each investment option is invested in by referring to the information below. To help you understand more about this information, please refer to the FAQs below.

How to use this information

We’ve provided this information so you can see exactly how we invest your retirement savings. The format and amount of information supplied is guided by legislation and consistent across super funds, and aims to provide enough detail to help members understand what we invest in. We update this information twice a year, as at 30 June and 31 December

Click to download the PDF or CSV files for each of the investment options. 

Frequently asked questions

We’ve provided .csv files to make analysis or comparisons more efficient.

We update this information twice a year, as at 30 June and 31 December. We are required to publish updated information within 90 days of those dates.

If a line item shows a zero percentage, it’s because it has a value of less than 0.01% of the investment option.

The asset value, converted to AUD, was derived by using the market valuations and Investment Manager valuations received at the time of calculating the option unit price for the reporting period. 

The information is arranged by investment option. Choose the option/s you're invested in and browse the information. 

Did you know? You can view or change your investment options at any time. You can do this via your online account, completing a form or by giving us a call. 

Our Lifecycle Investment Strategy (LIS) works by giving you greater exposure to growth assets such as shares in the early stages of your working life, and then reducing this as you get older by increasing your exposure to defensive assets such as fixed income and enhanced cash. This exposes you to greater risk and potentially higher returns when you are young and then aims to reduce volatile investment returns as you get older. Our Lifecycle Investment Strategy invests your super over three lifestages, with members invested 100% in one of the following options, based on their age:

  • High Growth (under age 50)

  • Growth (aged 50-54)

  • Balanced (aged 55 and above)

If you'd like more information about the information we've supplied, please contact us via email at so that we can provide a response. 

Turn to Mine

The team at Mine Super Financial Advice are here to provide the help you need to make confident and informed financial decisions, including how your super is invested. As a member you’re entitled to a complimentary appointment with Mine Super Financial Advice. You can request an appointment online or by contacting us.