ABN – 16 457 520 308
Unique superannuation identifier (USI) - 16457520308001
Superannuation Fund Number – 1340 309 48
RSE Registration Number – R1056563
MySuper Authorisation Number - 16457520308485
ABN – 70 003 566 989
AFS Licence – 246864
BPay® details
Biller code – 127 175
Reference – your account number
BPay® details
Biller code – 333 567
Reference – your spouse’s account number
To claim your after tax contributions as a tax deduction, please send us a completed Notice of intent to claim or vary a deduction for personal super contributions (PDF) form when making your payment.
If you're over the age of 67 but under 75 years of age and wish to claim a tax deduction on your contributions, you'll need to meet the 'work test'. Check out the Australian Taxation Office website for more information.
BPay® details
Biller code – 127 175
Reference – your account number
To make a downsizer contribution, please send us a completed Downsizer contribution into super (PDF) form before or when making your payment.
To find out more about downsizer contributions, read our Downsizer contribution measure (PDF) factsheet.
To make a personal injury contribution, please send us a completed Contributions for personal injury election form before or when making your payment.
To make a small business 15 year exemption or a small business retirement exemption contribution to your super, please send us a Capital gains tax (CGT) cap election (PDF) form before or when you make the contribution.